It's Never Goodbye

Lillith "Lily" Carpenter

October 14th, 2013 - February 15th, 2016

Lily, a two year old boxer, has been a staple at Dogmata since November of 2014. We saw her grow from a shy, insecure puppy into a feisty, confident, and balanced adult. There wasn't a single dog Lily didn't get along with. Lily proved to be a great mentor for dogs who were insecure, nervous, and anxious and taught them how to be a balanced dog. On March 15th, 2015, Lily and her owner, Tammy, successfully acquired the Canine Good Citizen title. 

Around 5:00PM on Friday, February 12th, 2016, Lily was diagnosed with Juvenile Nephropathy (also known as Renal Dysplasia). The veterinarian prepped Tammy for the worse; that Lily wouldn't survive the night. Robert and I were both in denial. We believed that it was a misdiagnosis and that the blood work was wrong. Just the day before she was running and playing all day with the rest of our pack. Besides some bad breath and some weight loss, Lily still seemed like herself - energetic and eager.  She showed no severe symptoms of being sick. We both refused to believe it would be the last time we would see our little boxer, Lily. 

On Monday, February 15th, 2016, our denial was crushed by the harsh reality that Lily had passed that morning. Even with preparation and being able to give our respects to Lily on the previous Friday evening, it still came with a shock. However, we take comfort in knowing that despite her death, it's never goodbye. We believe that Tammy will be greeted again by Lily's big adoring eyes, huge heart and wet tongue. 

We've gone back through the pictures we've taken of Lily and compiled a gallery. We hope that for those who may have never had the chance to meet Lily in person, can imagine and feel her spirit and personality through these photos.